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MEI Services, Inc.

MEI Services, Inc., P. O. Box 88512, Atlanta, GA - 30356 (P) (770) 473-7311  (F) (770) 473-7312

INS Guidelines for Experience/Education Evaluation

"Evidence that will establish to this Service that the equivalent of college-level training in the profession has been acquired through a combination of specialized training and progressively responsible work experience in areas related to the profession, and that the alien has achieved professional standing and recognition as a result of such training and experience.

1. For purposes of determining equivalency to a baccalaureate or higher degree in the profession, three years of specialized training and/or work experience must be demonstrated for each year of college-level training the alien lacks.

2. For equivalence to an advanced (or Masters) degree, the alien must have a baccalaureate degree followed by at least five years of experience in the profession.

3. If required by a profession, the alien must hold a Doctorate degree or its foreign equivalent. It must be clearly demonstrated that the alien's training and/or work experience included the theoretical and practical application of specialized knowledge required at the professional level of the occupation; that the alien's experience was gained while working with peers, supervisors, or subordinates who are themselves professionals; and that the alien has professional standing and recognition evidenced by at least one type of documentation such as:

(i) Recognition of professional standing by at least two recognized authorities in the professional field, ...
(v) Professional achievements which a recognized authority has determined to be significant contributions to the professional field."

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